Showing 76 - 100 of 100 Results
Travels into the Inland Parts of Africa : Containing a Description of the Several Nations fo... by Moore, Francis Fl 1744, Sti... ISBN: 9781017281460 List Price: $33.95
Travels into the Inland Parts of Africa : Containing a Description of the Several Nations fo... by Moore, Francis Fl 1744, Sti... ISBN: 9781017287387 List Price: $22.95
Description de l'Afrique; Tierce Partie du Monde, Escrite Par Jean Leon African. Premi�remen... by Leo, Africanus Ca 1492-Ca 1550 ISBN: 9780274542857 List Price: $29.95
Description de l'Afrique; Tierce Partie du Monde, Escrite Par Jean Leon African. Premi�remen... by Leo, Africanus Ca 1492-Ca 1550 ISBN: 9780274542802 List Price: $18.95
Description de l'Afrique; Tierce Partie du Monde, Escrite Par Jean Leon African. Premi�remen... by Leo, Africanus Ca 1492-Ca 1550 ISBN: 9780274542819 List Price: $28.95
Description de l'Afrique; Tierce Partie du Monde, Escrite Par Jean Leon African. Premi�remen... by Leo, Africanus Ca 1492-Ca 1550 ISBN: 9780274542826 List Price: $20.95
Description de l'Afrique; Tierce Partie du Monde, Escrite Par Jean Leon African. Premi�remen... by Leo, Africanus Ca 1492-Ca 1550 ISBN: 9780274542833 List Price: $29.95
Description de l'Afrique; Tierce Partie du Monde, Escrite Par Jean Leon African. Premi�remen... by Leo, Africanus Ca 1492-Ca 1550 ISBN: 9780274542840 List Price: $20.95
Travels Into the Inland Parts of Africa: Containing a Description of the Several Nations for... by Moore, Francis, Leo, Africa... ISBN: 9781376774986 List Price: $19.95
Description de l'Afrique, Vol. 2 : Tierce Partie du Monde (Classic Reprint) by Africanus, Leo ISBN: 9780483837935 List Price: $34.48
The History and Description of Africa: And of the Notable Things Therein Contained no. 93; V... by Brown, Robert, Robert Brown... ISBN: 9781375904056 List Price: $19.95
The History and Description of Africa: And of the Notable Things Therein Contained No. 93; V... by Robert Brown, John Pory, Af... ISBN: 9780342659760 List Price: $29.95
Travels Into the Inland Parts of Africa: Containing a Description of the Several Nations for... by Moore, Francis, Leo, Africa... ISBN: 9781340370084 List Price: $29.95
Cosmography and Geography of Africa by Africanus, Johannes Leo, Os... ISBN: 9780241543931
Leo Africanus by B. Mcgarry, Joanna ISBN: 9781916696099
Leo Africanus by Maalouf, Amin ISBN: 9781461663317
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